The power of 3 equals: mouth-watering 'watwat'.
1. Firewood: I've always heard that food cooked with firewood tastes much better. There is no other way to bring out the best flavor of the'watwat' but to cook it this way...True?
2.The siliasi( have I spelt it right?) The traditional use of these wide-mouthed, heavy metal cooking pots has never ceased. They have always come in handy for celebrating Igorot feasts or during large family gatherings. They may be blackened with soot, but that shouidn't be a problem. For me, it is an indication of how useful they have been.
3.The paddles. Take notice of the enormous wooden spoons on the left. They were improvised by the locals to make stirring more convenient. What a clever idea. This made me wonder if there are already stores/ shops selling mixing spoons that measure up to the size of the 'siliasi'. #kankanaey #Kapangan #Benguet #culture #tradition