"We will always be under the same sky."

Sitting here alone in my balcony wondering what it's like on the other side of the world or what it feels like back home.
When I was a kid, I loved to look up to the sky at night and count the stars or search for constellations. I would always say that the part of the big dipper are my stars. Those 3 stars that form a straight line? Yep! My stars, mine! The funny part is I think everyone think it's their stars too. And growing up, whenever I hear friends say it's their star, my eyes would glisten and in my mind I would be screaming "Oh! Soulmate." Well, come on, I was a kid. I believed in those stuff. I wonder if the skies in Baguio are still filled with stars.

Anyway, I always kept it that way. My love for the night sky. It has given me the drive, strength, comfort and the motivation after a hard day, a tantrum, an episode, a heart break, basically everything. It has been a witness to all my stupidities, my agonies, my craziness, my bawls, my good and bad side.

Now, the sky is the only thing that assures me that wherever I go, no matter where I am in this Earth, I won't be too far from the people I love because we are all still under the same sky. Maybe that's also a comfort for all the OFW's each time they miss their families back home. It is really comforting knowing that no matter where you are, may it be day there and night back home- you will always be under the same sky, and that's enough. Enough to motivate you to keep on going on, to strive hard so that one day, you could be with those you love, sitting in one place looking up to the night sky and counting stars.

How does the sky look from yours? I hope the stars are twinkling bright.