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General Hub

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27 articles filed under General Hub category.

NAIA Poster: DOT Places Banaue Rice Terraces in Benguet Instead of Ifugao

DOT poster at NAIA incorrectly claims the world-renowned Banaue Rice Terraces are located in Benguet.

Jul 15 · 2 min read

Stories From Kalinga: Memoir of a Village Girl

The Stories From Kalinga:Memoir of a Village Girl is my first book and first venture into published writing, and it is now available on Amazon Kindle

Jun 2 · 1 min read

PBGen Jack Limpayos Wanky Assumes Command as Director of PRO-Western Visayas

PBGen Jack Limpayos Wanky, a distinguished Igorot police leader, brings expertise to PRO-Western Visayas as regional director in the PNP.

Feb 19 · 2 min read

Daw-es: A Sacred Bridge Between Worlds in Igorot Culture

Unveiling the Ritual's Profound Connection to the Living and Departed

Nov 17, 2023 · 3 min read

Baguio City Removes "Eyesore" Car from Session Road

Baguio City, the City of Fines, has ordered the removal of a car from Session Road for being an "eyesore."

Oct 20, 2023 · 3 min read

Integrity in Action: The Man 'Who Walks the Talk'

Magalong has consistently demonstrated integrity and dedication to good governance seen in his police service and handling of the Mamasapano incident.

Sep 10, 2023 · 10 min read

Rafflesia Banaoana: Distinct Species of World's Largest Flower Found in Cordillera

Botanists from Oxford and UPLB reinstate Rafflesia Banaoana in Kalinga, Cordillera, affirming its distinction as a unique species.

Sep 4, 2023 · 4 min read

Igorot Teacher Inspires Students with Gift of Books About Their Hometown

Mary Jane Aluyen, a grade 1 teacher in Bauko, Mountain Province, gifted her graduating students with copies of her book "Bauko Through the Years."

Jul 13, 2023 · 3 min read

Love at First Chat: How Two Cordilleran Found Forever in 28 Days

Ricky and Jerusalem met online and were married 28 days later after their first meeting. A reminder that love can happen at any time.

Mar 1, 2023 · 4 min read

Effects of Living Separately on the Teaching Performance of Teachers

Is the aspect of the distance of an institution/organization from home affects teachers performance?

Feb 26, 2023 · 2 min read