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Our Role as Modern-Day Igorots

We serve as a prime illustration of a people group capable of maintaining our traditions and ways of life while still evolving with the times.

Featuring Crisamuel Delfin - SEAGAMES gold medalist, arnis

As Igorots of today, we are in a unique position to bridge our forefathers' legacy to molding the future. To accomplish this, we can use every means possible to preserve our traditional customs and traditions while also navigating the ever-changing modern world.

And why shouldn't we? We are proud of our forefathers and endeavor to remember them in our daily lives. We've learnt about our culture through stories passed down from generation to generation, and we're proud of our heritage. We also acknowledge the importance of maintaining our culture and customs for future generations.

As a result, we've taken the initiative to adapt our traditions to our modern lives. In fact, we've become inventive in finding meaningful ways to incorporate our traditional practices into our modern lives.

Simultaneously, we are learning to be open to new ideas and ways of thinking. That's because we acknowledge that the world is continuously changing and that our old approaches to modern challenges may not always be the best.

Last but not least, we work to ensure that the larger community respects our culture and traditions. By now, we understand the worth and distinction of our culture and the importance of contributing our stories to the development of the Filipino people as a whole. Hence, we always see to it that our traditional practices are not misrepresented or misunderstood.

By accepting these responsibilities, we can ensure that our legacy is passed down to future generations, allowing them to also respect and value their forefathers' traditions.

Ibaloi-Kankana-ey hybrid.

Sharing is caring, kailian!

We do hope you find something great in this story. If you find this helpful, please do share it with the people you care about.

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