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Fortitude among the young through Arts during the COVID-19 Crisis -Kristoffer Tabili-

At present, creativity in all its forms is more vital than ever,

Fortitude among the young through Arts during the COVID-19 Crisis -Kristoffer Tabili- "At present, creativity in all its forms is more vital than ever,"

Over the course of this worldwide pandemic, the world has undergone a chaotic revolution due to the CORONAVIRUS. During these unprecedented times, how the young hurl back to the plight has been a taunt to bring up pressing discernments of hope and resilience.

"Doing arts is apparently one of the key things to keep the morale of people in general healthy; however, the question would be "How about those not living with their family at these times?" How can they be kept connected to the world without stress as they are not with their loved ones to feel a sense of belonging? And it is what will nourish us as we adjust to the new normal of a post-COVID-19 world."

Jenny Marsha (36) a college instructor from the University of Baguio, art facilitator, resource speaker and what not is an advocate of local talents and their artworks. Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, she had done quite a few community related services and school-based activities to plump young talents and their artworks through workshops and exhibitions. To name a few, she had done series of training and seminars being a resource speaker such as "The Power of Creativity: Relieving Stress Through Art".

Since the restrictive measures started to fight the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the community, activities related to arts, particularly exhibitions, workshops, training, and seminars, have become so arduous or even unworkable to do. So, to find new ways to interact with the young, especially those undergoing trauma, Jenny Marsha has decided to do volunteer workshops in partnership with MK Digitales to its chosen charity, The Child and Family Service in Baguio City, to give light at the end of the tunnel to these kids in the orphanage living with trauma.

This is why she decided to be with these children for her to envision sets of skills to coin an environment that makes them engaged in arts. Having experiences enlivened Jenny to expand her work, inviting and connecting more young people to be part of the art community in the city. According to her, art helps the young to subdue life challenges, so she wants to spend most of her time doing these kinds of activities to help these children face a challenging life and to inspire others by spreading hope and love around through arts.

For MK Digitales, helping and supporting others makes these children feel exorbitant and they can be encouraged to share their artworks and implicit energy with one and all in the world. The management aims to bestow to the creation of a generation of kids living with trauma to lead others after their recovery towards a better future of kids in this epoch, and it hopes that art will help them to clinch this holy grail. As of now, MK Digitales is setting up a series of hustles and bustles for youth and children in the hostel.

In the iffy times of the crisis, MK Digitales conveys that altruistic hubbubs give a unique avenue to youth to hammer the disquiet brought by the COVID-19 crisis.


Sharing is caring, kailian!

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