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Crown-shaped Devil

Busted the guns and ammos undeniably, This crown-shaped devil smote mortal aggressively! Long line of beings kissed the casket endlessly!

The Covid-19 Virus

Bored, mad, frustrated! Seated in a wooden chair, Staring on the vast space, as the wind stroke my hair. Comprehending the answers of States in despair, As the Covid 19 wreaked havoc for everyone to bear.

Conscience began debating in my confused brain, Questions started storming like volleys of rain, Then, panic and fear shot my heart with ceaseless pain, At how this virus violently crossed the lane.

How could this tiny speck turn the whole world around? Aggressively stopping the cranky buzzing sound, The magnitude effect, even monster is astound! Match for abominable act of man is found.

Busted the guns and ammos undeniably, Superpowers groan in the face of misery! This crown-shaped devil smote mortal aggressively! Long line of beings kissed the casket endlessly!

Continuously flaunting its devious snare, No mercy, even the rich bows, oh! this is rare! Covid 19 mocks the mighty brain who dare, Answers them with savage death to share!

Inflicted people battle the pandemic alone, Sinner or saint wait in pain they moan! No cure!, no elixir to rectify is shown, Only God's hand to wait for dawn.

Weary front liners still bolt and rush on their feet, Watch over the casts of endangered fleet, With knowledge that "they were half buried in death pit", Guard human race against this unseen devil's skit!

Now, i see the trembling base of humanity, Smashed and crushed by this plague single-handedly! Furious eyes, clenched fist from the victim's family, Gnashing teeth in front of this notorious enemy!

Wise man device himself a brilliant protection, Cages himself to avoid Covid abduction, He, who does not piled food left in starvation! Others rant for government slower action!

This suffering and confusion You see, Oh! God hid not thy face, yield to my humble plea! Chain this plague to the bottom of hell where it be! Your legions of angels, let them fight for thee!

Wherever i go, whatever i do, i will stamp the insignia of my ancestor ----Proud Igorota on board!!!!

Sharing is caring, kailian!

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