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Halsema Highway: Your Ultimate Travel Guide

Explore Halsema Highway's beauty and adventure. Your ultimate travel guide to the Cordillera's scenic gem.

Halsema Highway from a car's perspective, not an airplane Photo: Emilon Sano-an

Halsema Highway, a national secondary highway in the Philippines, is known by several names, including the Benguet-Mountain Province Road, Baguio-Bontoc Road, and the Mountain Trail. It winds its way through the stunning Cordillera Central range in northern Luzon, stretching approximately 150 kilometers from the city limit of Baguio to the municipality of Bontoc. Notably, it reaches its zenith at 7,400 feet (2,300 meters) above sea level in Atok.

Once officially recognized as the highest altitude highway in the Philippines, its claim to fame was surpassed in 2019 by the Kiangan-Tinoc-Buguias Road in Tinoc, Ifugao. Nevertheless, Halsema Highway remains an iconic route, offering a journey that encompasses not only its remarkable altitude but also a rich tapestry of history, natural beauty, and the adventure of road trips. So, join us as we explore the enduring allure of Halsema Highway, where the road and the journey merge to create an unforgettable experience.

History of Halsema Highway

Halsema Highway, named after American engineer Eusebius Julius Halsema, who served as the mayor of Baguio from 1920 to 1937, has a fascinating history. Construction of this significant highway began in 1922 under Halsema's leadership, with the invaluable assistance of local communities. By 1930, what started as a foot trail had transformed into a fully-fledged road, connecting Baguio City and the Cordillera region.

This highway has played a pivotal role in Cordillera's history and transportation network. It stands as the sole link between Baguio and the remote areas of Cordillera, bridging communities and enabling trade. For vegetable farmers, Halsema Highway serves as the lifeline for distributing their produce to Baguio's markets. Its historical journey from a foot trail to a vital road mirrors the resilience and determination of those who built and maintained it.

The Scenic Beauty of Halsema Highway

Halsema Highway is a treasure trove of natural beauty, with landscapes and wonders that leave travelers in awe. As you journey along this road, you'll be greeted by a breathtaking tapestry of sights that change with the terrain and season.

Breathtaking landscapes on Halsema Highway Charlemagne Hernandez

A Changing Canvas

The landscapes along Halsema Highway are ever-changing. From dense pine forests that seem to touch the sky to expansive mountain vistas that stretch as far as the eye can see, this route offers something special at every turn. The mountains take on different hues, from lush greens during the rainy season to golden and red shades in the dry months.

Mystical Clouds and Fog

Watch in awe as clouds cascade down the mountains. Sometimes, they appear as if they're gently gathering water, while on other occasions, a sea of clouds engulfs the valleys, creating a surreal and breathtaking spectacle.

The Breathtaking Chico River

One of the most mesmerizing sights on your journey is the Chico River, meandering through the rugged terrain of the Cordillera mountains. Its emerald waters winding through the valleys create a sight to behold, offering a tranquil contrast to the mountains' grandeur.

Chico River's emerald beauty along the highway Charlemagne Hernandez

The Half Tunnel of Atok

One of the fascinating features of your journey is the half tunnel in Atok. This architectural wonder is a testament to human ingenuity and the engineering feats required to navigate the challenging terrain of the region.

An up-close look at the iconic Halsema Half Tunnel Photo: Hustino

The Philippines' 2nd Highest Point

Make sure to visit the former highest point in the Philippines, where you can catch a glimpse of the majestic Mt. Pulag. The breathtaking views from this vantage point are a testament to the grandeur of the Cordillera mountains.

Former Philippines' Highest Point Photo: BecomingFilipino

Flora and Fauna

Halsema Highway is not just about the views; it's also about the unique flora and fauna you'll encounter. Wildflowers and orchids grow alongside the road, while the well-known pitcher plant and even blueberries make their home here.

Colorful flowers paint the landscape at Northern Blossom Farm Reg Gutierrez

Experience Igorot Hospitality

The warmth and hospitality of the Igorot people add a unique dimension to your journey. Embrace the chance to interact with the local community and learn about their rich culture and traditions.

Mesmerizing Sunrise and Sunset Views

Halsema Highway offers the perfect stage for both sunrise and sunset enthusiasts. The first light of day kissing the mountaintops and the evening sun painting the sky in warm hues are sights to behold. If you prefer night travel, the starry canopy above is a celestial masterpiece.

As we explore the scenic beauty of Halsema Highway, we'll venture into the remarkable landscapes, describe specific spots that demand attention, and understand how weather and season contribute to the visual grandeur of this high-altitude route. Embark on this journey to uncover the wonders that make Halsema Highway a unique and captivating experience.

Adventure on Halsema Highway

Halsema Highway is not just a scenic road; it's an adventure waiting to happen. The rugged terrain and ever-changing landscapes make it a playground for those seeking thrilling experiences.

A Thrill Seeker's Paradise

For adventure enthusiasts, Halsema Highway offers a thrill like no other. The winding roads and steep cliffs provide an adrenaline rush as you navigate this mountainous terrain. The ever-present possibility of mist and fog adds an element of mystery and excitement to the journey.

Hiking and Trekking

If you're a hiking aficionado, Halsema Highway has numerous trails waiting to be explored. The surrounding mountains are a hiker's dream, with trails that lead to spectacular viewpoints. Whether you're a seasoned trekker or a novice, there are options suitable for all.

Cycling: Conquer the Steep Gradients

Cyclists will find Halsema Highway a challenging yet rewarding route. The winding roads, varying altitudes, and steep gradients offer an exhilarating experience for those on two wheels. Some even use Strava to track their journey and compete for the prestigious title of "King of the Mountain (KOM)" on the steepest stretches.


For motorbike enthusiasts, Halsema Highway is a dream ride. The winding mountain roads and scenic views make it a favorite among bikers. The thrill of navigating this challenging terrain on a motorcycle is an experience to remember.

Photography Delight

Photographers, both amateur and professional, will find Halsema Highway a visual wonderland. The ever-changing landscapes, unique flora and fauna, and the play of light and mist provide endless opportunities for capturing breathtaking shots. Don't forget your camera; every twist and turn is a potential masterpiece.

A breathtaking tapestry of rice terraces along Chico River Charlemagne Hernandez

Personal Adventures

Many travelers have their own stories of adventure on Halsema Highway. Whether it's braving the fog, encountering the warmth of the Igorot people, or capturing the perfect sunrise, each journey is a personal adventure waiting to be told. Every trip along this highway is a blend of natural beauty and personal discovery.

In the heart of the Cordillera, Halsema Highway beckons those with a thirst for adventure. Whether you seek the thrill of navigating challenging terrain, wish to explore hiking trails, or simply want to capture the beauty through your lens, this road offers an unforgettable adventure. Cyclists, including those who use Strava to track their journey and aim for the title of "King of the Mountain (KOM)" on steep gradients, and bikers find a challenging and exhilarating route here. Every traveler carries their own tales of discovery and excitement, making Halsema Highway a mountainous canvas for unforgettable experiences.

Traveling Safely on Halsema Highway

Exploring Halsema Highway's wonders is an adventure, but safety should always be a priority. Here, we'll look at essential precautions and recommendations for a secure road trip through the Cordillera region.

Halsema Highway Edmund jr Lumbis

Safety Precautions

  1. Check Weather Conditions: The weather can change rapidly in the mountains. Be aware of heavy rain, which can trigger landslides and make asphalted portions slippery.

  2. Vehicle Condition: Ensure your vehicle is in excellent condition. Brakes, tires, and headlights should be in good working order. If you're renting a vehicle, choose a reputable provider.

  3. Drive Slowly: The highway's sharp blind curves demand cautious driving. Parts of the highway are dangerous, especially during the rainy season when landslides are common and visibility may be reduced due to fogs.

  4. Stay Informed: Talk to locals or check for updates on road conditions. Landslides, sharp blind curves, and accidents can affect travel.

  5. Keep a Full Tank: Fuel stations can be sparse, so always fill up before setting out.

Vehicle Maintenance and Rentals

  1. Vehicle Rentals: If you're renting a vehicle, ensure it's well-maintained. Check for spare tires, tools, and basic emergency equipment.

  2. DIY Maintenance: If it's your own vehicle, conduct a thorough check before the trip. Have your brakes, tires, and engine inspected. It's also wise to bring spare parts if possible.

  3. Emergency Kit: Prepare an emergency kit with essential items like a flashlight, first-aid supplies, tools, and extra clothing.

  4. Local Mechanics: Make a list of local mechanics or service centers along the route. Knowing where to find help can be invaluable.

Health and Emergency Services

  1. Medical Supplies: Carry basic medical supplies, such as pain relievers, antiseptics, and any necessary personal medications. Given that the weather here can dip to 10 degrees Celsius or even lower, remember to pack warm clothing, including sweaters, to stay comfortable.

  2. Mobile Signal: While mobile signal strength can vary, some areas may have limited or no coverage. It's advisable to have a satellite phone or two-way radio for emergencies.

  3. Local Health Facilities: Familiarize yourself with the locations of health facilities along the highway. The bigger towns and municipalities usually have medical services.

  4. Emergency Contacts: Know the local emergency numbers, and keep them handy. In case of an emergency, call for help promptly.

Halsema Highway is known for its beauty, but it's essential to recognize that it's also considered a dangerous road due to its challenges. Be cautious of weather conditions, landslides, sharp blind curves, and fogs. In March 2013, List25 included the highway at #9 in its 25 Most Dangerous Roads in the World. It was also featured in Discovery World's show, Hot Roads - World's Most Dangerous Roads.

Your adventure on Halsema Highway can be both thrilling and safe with the right precautions. Prioritize safety, ensure your vehicle is road-ready, and be prepared for any situation. As you venture through this majestic yet challenging terrain, a safe journey allows you to fully enjoy the beauty of the Cordillera region.

Foggy road trip adventures on Halsema Highway Edmund jr Lumbis

Local Culture and Communities

Beyond its scenic beauty and adventurous terrain, Halsema Highway is home to vibrant communities that hold a rich tapestry of culture, traditions, and warm hospitality.

Insights into Local Communities

As you traverse Halsema Highway, you'll encounter several indigenous communities, predominantly the Igorots. These resilient communities have inhabited the Cordillera region for centuries. Their unique way of life is deeply intertwined with the mountainous terrain.

Cultural Experiences

Immerse yourself in the local culture by participating in their traditions. Witness age-old rituals, dances, and celebrations that reflect the Igorot's close connection with nature. Learn about the intricate art of handwoven textiles, which play a significant role in their heritage.

Local Cuisine

Savor local delicacies like pinikpikan, a chicken dish prepared through a traditional process, and the famous Cordillera coffee, cultivated in the region's high-altitude farms. Engage with locals to understand the culinary secrets passed down through generations.

Responsible Tourism

Respect and responsible tourism are key when interacting with the communities. Seek permission before taking photographs and show appreciation for their traditions. Support local artisans by purchasing their handcrafted products, contributing to the sustainable development of these communities.

Halsema Highway offers not only a visual spectacle but also a cultural one. As a responsible traveler, you can engage with the communities living along this route, gaining insights into their way of life, traditions, and savoring their unique cuisine. By doing so, you become part of the bridge that connects their heritage with the world, preserving their culture for generations to come.

Halsema Highway: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is Halsema Highway?

  • Halsema Highway is a scenic mountain road in the Philippines, connecting Baguio and Bontoc through the Cordillera region.

2. Is Halsema Highway safe to travel?

  • While it offers breathtaking views, some sections can be challenging, especially during the rainy season. Caution and preparedness are essential.

3. What's the best time to visit?

  • The dry season, from November to May, is ideal for safer and more enjoyable travel.

4. Are there accommodations along the highway?

  • Limited accommodations are available; it's advisable to plan your stay in advance.

5. Can I interact with local communities?

  • Yes, but be respectful and seek permission, especially when taking photographs.

6. Are there eateries and fuel stations?

  • There are eateries, but fuel stations can be scarce, so keep your tank full.

7. What's the distance from Baguio to Bontoc?

  • It's approximately 150 kilometers, but the journey may take several hours due to the terrain.

These frequently asked questions provide quick insights for anyone planning a visit to Halsema Highway. If you have more questions, feel free to ask.


Halsema Highway, with its breathtaking landscapes and rich cultural tapestry, stands as a testament to the Philippines' natural beauty. It's a journey that unveils the essence of the Cordillera region. To the intrepid traveler, we extend an invitation to embrace the challenges and embrace the wonder of this route.

As you embark on your adventure along Halsema Highway, capture the beauty, share your experiences, and become part of the ongoing narrative of this majestic road. This journey is not just about a destination; it's about the stories you create and the memories etched into the mountains and valleys of the Cordillera.

Sharing is caring, kailian!

We do hope you find something great in this story. If you find this helpful, please do share it with the people you care about.

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