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National ID: 1.3 Million Residents Registered in the Cordillera Region

1.3 million Cordillera residents register for national ID in latest PhilSys update. Learn more here.

 |  4 min read

Discover the latest PhilSys update: 1.3 million Cordillera residents register for the national ID. Explore the process and benefits.

The Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) continues to make significant strides in the Cordillera Region, as the latest report from the Philippine Statistics Authority - Cordillera reveals. From May 2021 to December 2023, a total of 1,327,450 individuals in the region have successfully completed the registration process, marking a remarkable achievement in the implementation of this nationwide initiative.

Driving Towards Inclusivity: Registration Statistics

The data showcases a robust participation rate, with registrations accounting for 73.8% of the region's total population based on the 2020 census, which reported 1,797,660 residents. This substantial uptake underscores the eagerness of Cordillerans to embrace the benefits of the national ID system.

Regional Breakdown: Leading the Way

Benguet emerges as a frontrunner in registration numbers, boasting 617,158 registrants, followed by Abra with 188,568, Kalinga with 171,263, Ifugao with 144,358, Mountain Province with 109,197, and Apayao with 96,906 registrants. This distributed participation across provinces showcases the comprehensive reach of the registration campaign, ensuring that individuals across the region can avail themselves of the advantages offered by the national ID.

Streamlining the Process: Encouraging Further Participation

Despite the commendable progress, the Philippine Statistics Authority - Cordillera continues to advocate for individuals who have not yet registered to seize the opportunity to do so. Notably, appointments are no longer required for the registration process, streamlining accessibility and simplifying the path to acquiring the national ID.

Compliance Made Easy: Requirements for Registration

While appointments are no longer mandatory, it is essential for individuals to prepare the requisite supporting documents for the registration process. By ensuring compliance with the necessary documentation, registrants can expedite their registration and contribute to the efficiency of the overall system.

The mandate for PhilSys registration stems from Republic Act 11055, or the PhilSys Act, which underscores the importance of establishing a unified national ID system for Filipinos and resident aliens. This legislative framework provides the necessary foundation for the implementation and enforcement of the registration process, ensuring its adherence to legal standards and objectives.

Transforming Transactions: The Role of the National ID

The significance of the national ID extends beyond mere identification, offering a gateway to streamlined transactions across various sectors. From public offices to private enterprises, enrollment in educational institutions, and opening bank accounts, the national ID serves as a catalyst for efficiency and accessibility. With its implementation, government services are poised to undergo a paradigm shift, with the national ID emerging as the primary document for seamless transactions.

Ready to Register?

Embark on your journey to obtain your national ID! Click on the links below to discover where you can register and the essential documents you'll need to bring along:

Find Your Nearest Registration Center

Uncover the nearest PhilSys Registration Centers by clicking here. Conveniently locate the center closest to you and kickstart the registration process hassle-free!

Essential Supporting Documents

Ensure you have all the necessary documents ready for your PhilSys registration. Click here to view the complete list of supporting documents required. Get prepared and make your registration experience seamless!


In conclusion, the remarkable progress of PhilSys registration in the Cordillera Region underscores the collective commitment towards inclusive development and streamlined governance. As registrations surpass the 1.3 million milestone, the region stands poised to reap the benefits of a unified national ID system, driving efficiency, accessibility, and empowerment for all Cordillerans. With continued advocacy and participation, the vision of a digitally-enabled and inclusive society draws closer, propelled by the transformative potential of the Philippine Identification System.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How many people have registered for the national ID in the Cordillera Region?

The latest report reveals that 1.3 million individuals have completed the registration process in the Cordillera Region.

2. What is the participation rate of PhilSys registration in the Cordillera Region?

The registration rate accounts for 73.8% of the region's total population based on the 2020 census.

3. What are the leading provinces in PhilSys registration numbers in the Cordillera Region?

Benguet has the highest number of registrants, followed by Abra, Kalinga, Ifugao, Mountain Province, and Apayao.

4. Are appointments required for PhilSys registration in the Cordillera Region?

Appointments are no longer necessary for the registration process, making it more accessible for individuals.

5. What are the benefits of obtaining a national ID in the Cordillera Region?

The national ID streamlines transactions across various sectors, enhances efficiency, and serves as a primary document for seamless transactions.

6. How can I find the nearest PhilSys Registration Center in the Cordillera Region?

Click here to locate the nearest registration center and initiate the registration process conveniently.

7. What supporting documents are required for PhilSys registration in the Cordillera Region?

Ensure you have the necessary supporting documents prepared for PhilSys registration. Click here to view the complete list and facilitate a smooth registration process.

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