In a new Facebook video, Team Mumbaki, a group of Igorot cultural advocates who trace their roots to Ifugao, teaches viewers how to wear the traditional Igorot bahag with presenter Rikki Ngannoy. The bahag is a loincloth made of woven hemp or cotton that is worn by Igorot men. It is a simple garment, but it is rich in Igorot culture.
The video begins with Rikki explaining the different parts of the bahag. He then shows viewers how to wrap the bahag around their waist and legs. Rikki also provides tips on how to adjust the fit of the bahag so that it is comfortable and secure.
Team Mumbaki's teaching style is clear and concise, and they make sure to answer all of the viewers' possible questions. They are also patient and understanding, making the video easy to follow even for those who have never worn a bahag before.
The video has been well-received by viewers, with many people commenting on how informative and helpful it is. The video has also been shared widely on social media, helping to raise awareness of the traditional Igorot bahag.
Team Mumbaki's video is a valuable resource for anyone who is interested in learning more about Igorot culture. It is a well-made and informative video that is sure to help viewers learn how to wear this important cultural garment.
In addition to the video on how to wear the bahag, Team Mumbaki also posts other sports-related content, such as boxing and Muay Thai lessons, and traditional Igorot dancing. They are committed to promoting Igorot culture and heritage through sports and other activities.
If you are interested in learning more about Igorot culture and heritage, I encourage you to check out Team Mumbaki's social media channels. You will find a wealth of information and resources there.