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Top 5 Coldest Temperatures in Baguio City Ever Recorded

Explore the coldest temperatures in Baguio City ever recorded in our top 5 list. Discover the Summer Capital's chilliest moments!

Journey through Baguio City's climate history and uncover the coldest temperatures ever recorded in our top 5 list. Discover the Summer Capital's chilliest moments, where cool breezes embrace the vibrant charm of this highland haven.

In the northern part of the Philippines, you'll find Baguio City in the Cordillera region. It's often called the "Summer Capital," not because of the heat, but because of its cool climate.

Unlike most of the Philippines, Baguio offers relief from the tropical heat. This article takes you through the history of Baguio City, revealing the top 5 coldest temperatures ever recorded. We'll also tell you about the lowest temperature ever in Baguio City.

So, before we explore the moments when Baguio City, home to the Igorot people, lived up to its "Summer Capital" title, make sure to wear your warm clothes. Let's brave the cold together and discover the extraordinary cold spells that have shaped this charming city's history.

The Top 5 Coldest Temperatures

Let's delve into the frigid history of Baguio City by unveiling the top 5 coldest temperatures ever recorded. Brace yourself as we count down from the chilliest to the fifth coldest, with a special mention of the all-time lowest temperature recorded in this city's history.

Here are the Top 5 coldest temperatures in Baguio City ever recorded:

  1. Lowest Recorded Temperature: On January 18, 1961, Baguio City experienced its coldest moment when the temperature plummeted to a bone-chilling 6.3 degrees Celsius. This record remains etched in memory as Baguio's ultimate cold spell.

  2. Second Coldest: On February 23, 1963, Baguio recorded its second coldest day with a temperature of 6.7 degrees Celsius.

  3. Third Coldest: On January 8, 1968, Baguio City shivered with a low of 6.8 degrees Celsius, marking the third coldest temperature ever recorded.

  4. Fourth Coldest: On January 9, 1971, Baguio City experienced its fourth coldest day when the temperature dropped to 7.1 degrees Celsius.

  5. Fifth Coldest: On January 28, 2019, Baguio City registered a temperature of 9.8 degrees Celsius, making it the fifth coldest day in the city's climate history.

Notably, on February 17, 2023, Baguio City witnessed one of its lowest temperatures of the year, dropping to 10 degrees Celsius, marking a particularly chilly moment in recent memory.

These historical temperature records provide a glimpse into the extreme cold spells that have occasionally graced Baguio City, creating a unique chapter in its climate history.

Baguio's Climate Significance

Baguio City, nestled at an elevation of approximately 1,540 meters (5,050 feet) above sea level, boasts a climate of unique significance within the Philippines. Its cool and refreshing weather is a welcome departure from the country's usual tropical heat. This contrast has earned Baguio the affectionate nickname of the "Summer Capital."

Tourists flock to Baguio City to escape the sweltering heat of lower elevations. Its cool climate provides a pleasant escape, making it a favored destination year-round. Baguio's attractions, from lush parks to cozy cafes, are enjoyed against the backdrop of this refreshing climate.

Cultural and Historical Significance

Baguio's climate carries cultural and historical weight. It has influenced the city's lifestyle, with residents and visitors alike often donning jackets and scarves. The annual Panagbenga Festival celebrates the vibrant flowers that thrive in Baguio's unique climate. Baguio's climate isn't just about temperature; it's a defining feature that shapes both the city's identity and the experiences of those who visit.

Impact on Agriculture, Flora, Tourism, and Climate Change

Extreme cold events in Baguio City have left a significant mark, affecting various aspects of the city's ecosystem and its appeal as a tourist destination.

Impacts of Extreme Cold Events in Baguio City: Ecosystem and Tourism Effects


The severe cold temperatures have posed challenges to local agriculture. Crops that are sensitive to cold weather, such as strawberries and vegetables, face the risk of frost damage. Farmers have had to employ various strategies to protect their crops, including using covers and employing frost protection methods. These challenges underscore the need for adaptive farming practices in Baguio's unique climate.

Flora and Ecosystem

The extreme cold can also impact the city's flora and local ecosystems. While some plant species thrive in the cooler climate, others may struggle to survive during cold spells. Baguio's rich tapestry of plant life can be affected, and this has implications for the local environment and biodiversity.


Interestingly, Baguio's cold weather has become a key attraction for tourists. Many travelers seek refuge from the scorching heat of lower elevations and are drawn to the city's refreshing climate. This has boosted tourism in Baguio, with visitors enjoying outdoor activities and the charm of a sweater weather getaway.

Climate Change

Extreme weather events like these are not isolated incidents but can be linked to broader climate change patterns. While Baguio's climate has long been known for its coolness, monitoring and understanding these weather extremes can contribute to a better understanding of climate change's impact on regional weather patterns.

These insights highlight how extreme cold events in Baguio City have diverse and far-reaching consequences, touching on agriculture, local flora, tourism, and even the broader context of climate change. It underscores the need for both adaptation and sustainable practices in the face of evolving weather patterns.

FAQs about Baguio's Extreme Cold Weather

As we explore Baguio's extreme cold weather, let's address some common questions that often arise:

  1. What are the lowest temperatures ever recorded in Baguio City?

    • The lowest temperature ever recorded in Baguio City was 6.3 degrees Celsius on January 18, 1961. Other extremely cold days include February 23, 1963 (6.7°C), January 8, 1968 (6.8°C), January 9, 1971 (7.1°C), and January 28, 2019 (9.8°C).
  2. How does Baguio's climate compare to other cities in the Philippines?

    • Baguio's climate stands out as cooler and more temperate compared to the typical tropical weather experienced in most Philippine cities.
  3. Did extreme cold weather affect agriculture in Baguio?

    • Yes, extreme cold events have affected agriculture in Baguio, especially crops sensitive to low temperatures. Farmers implement protective measures to safeguard their crops during cold spells, including covering plants and using frost protection methods.
  4. What are the top tourist attractions in Baguio during the cold seasons?

    • Baguio's cold seasons are a great time to explore its scenic parks, savor local delicacies at the Baguio Public Market, and take in breathtaking views from Mines View Park and Burnham Park. The Panagbenga Festival, held annually in February, is also a must-see event during the cold season.
  5. Is Baguio City's climate changing due to global climate trends?

    • Baguio City, like many other regions, experiences climate variations over time. Monitoring and research continue to provide insights into potential climate changes in the region, which are influenced by broader global climate trends.
  6. What time of the year does Baguio experience its coldest weather?

    • Baguio's coldest temperatures are typically recorded during the dry season, from December to February, when the northeast monsoon or "amihan" prevails.
  7. Is Baguio's cold weather consistent year-round?

    • While Baguio is known for its cool climate, variations can occur throughout the year. The city experiences colder temperatures during the dry season and relatively milder weather in the rainy season.
  8. Are there any precautions needed for tourists visiting during the cold season in Baguio?

    • Visitors to Baguio during the cold season should pack warm clothing, as temperatures can drop significantly, especially during the evenings. It's advisable to be prepared for chilly weather.
  9. What is the elevation of Baguio City, and how does it impact its climate?

    • Baguio City is situated at an elevation of approximately 1,540 meters (5,050 feet) above sea level. This high elevation contributes to its cooler and more temperate climate compared to lowland areas in the Philippines.
  10. Does Baguio City experience snowfall during extreme cold events?

    • While Baguio City can reach very low temperatures, it does not typically experience snowfall. Snowfall in the Philippines is extremely rare and limited to higher mountain ranges.
  11. Is Baguio City the coldest place in the Philippines?

    • No, Baguio City is not the coldest place in the Philippines. Other areas in Benguet, such as Atok and Kibungan, experience even colder temperatures, often due to higher elevations.


In this journey through Baguio City's climate history, we've unveiled the top 5 coldest temperatures ever recorded. From the chilling 6.3 degrees Celsius in 1961 to the cool embrace of 9.8 degrees Celsius in 2019, Baguio's unique climate has left an indelible mark. These extreme cold events have not only shaped the city's identity but also had broader impacts on agriculture, flora, tourism, and our understanding of climate change. Baguio City's climate is a tapestry of cold wonders, and its story continues to unfold with each passing season.

As we reflect on Baguio's remarkable climate journey, we invite you to explore this captivating city for yourself. Whether you seek the allure of the cold season or the vibrant festivities of Panagbenga, Baguio City welcomes you to be part of its ever-evolving climate story. Pack your warmest clothes, embark on an adventure, and discover the enchanting world of Baguio's extreme cold weather.

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