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Honest Igorot Tricycle Driver returns PHP 2.17 Million

Honest Igorot tricycle driver in Kalinga returns voucher checks worth PHP 2.17 million.

 |  1 min read

Limuel Dumalilis, a tricycle driver, turn-over to Bulanao Police Sub-Station an envelope containing three voucher checks left by his passenger.

Limuel Dumalilis, a tricycle driver in Tabuk, Kalinga, was praised by netizens for his honesty when he returned one (1) long brown envelope containing three (3) voucher checks amounting to P2.17 million to the Bulanao Police Sub -Station 1.

The 22-year-old Igorot, who has been a tricycle driver for more than three years, said he noticed a long brown envelope inside his tricycle at the Bulanao Public Market.

Without hesitation, he picked up the envelope and immediately headed to Bulanao Police Sub Station 1 to turn it over, for its immediate return to the rightful owner.

The envelope contained three checks worth P2,169,970.92 named to Blessing Builders and Construction Supply.

"Haan ko ammu nu sino makinbagi, basta nakitak lang dita [tricycle] ket innak inbati jay Police Station ta baka alaen ti sabali diyay ket nagbannugan da piman, " he said.

Dumallis' honesty truly reflects the "Inayan" culture of the Igorot people that prompted him to hand over the checks to the police.

"Insublik diyay ta haan ko met ngamin a bagi ken nagbannugan da diyay karu ta ammuk ti biyag tatta nga nagrigat," he added.

Having experienced different jobs to get by, he believes that apart from honesty, the value of hard work is also an important factor in a person's life.

Dumalilis, a proud father of a 3-year-old girl, is encouraging other drivers to do the right thing whenever passengers forget something inside their tricycle.

People wanna be rich, beautiful and famous. I just wanna be happy.

Sharing is caring, kailian!

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