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Kalinga Adopts NCIP Chair Jennifer Pia Sibug-las as "Dinayaw"

Jennifer Pia Sibug-las, Chairperson of the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples, was officially adopted as a daughter of the Kalinga Province.

Jennifer Pia Sibug-las, Chairperson of the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP), was officially adopted as a daughter of the Kalinga Province.

In a heartwarming celebration, Jennifer Pia Sibug-las, Chairperson of the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP), was officially embraced as a daughter of the Kalinga Province. This special event took place during the 2023 Indigenous Peoples Month and the 26th Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA) Commemoration at the Astrodome on October 23.

A Warm Welcome

Sibug-las received the name 'Dinayaw,' symbolizing beauty, generosity, and hospitality. This name beautifully acknowledges her unwavering dedication to supporting indigenous communities.

Recognizing Sibug-las's Contributions

Under the leadership of Governor James Edduba, the Kalinga Provincial Government passed a resolution to honor Sibug-las's commitment to public service and her relentless efforts to protect the rights of indigenous people. Among her noteworthy achievements was her leadership in "Oplan Bayanihan" during the pandemic, which involved rescuing indigenous people stranded in various parts of the country.

Embracing the Bodong Justice System

Now considered a daughter of the province, Sibug-las enjoys the privileges and protection provided by the Bodong Justice System. This underscores her deep connection to the province and her role in defending indigenous rights.

Sharing Her Thoughts

After celebrating with the Kalinga community, Sibug-las participated in a press conference hosted by the provincial government. During this event, she shared her insights on the significance of the day and reiterated her commitment to supporting indigenous communities.

Sibug-las inspired the community to embrace and preserve indigenous cultures, emphasizing that these should not merely be relics or symbols but a way of life. She stressed the importance of diversity and inclusivity, stating, "We must value the distinct customs, languages, and artistry of indigenous peoples because it is through this diversity that we find our strength."

This heartwarming celebration highlights the importance of recognizing the tireless efforts of individuals dedicated to protecting and uplifting indigenous peoples. Jennifer Pia Sibug-las, now known as "Dinayaw," has become an integral part of Kalinga's story.

Sharing is caring, kailian!

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